In this episode, I stray from my usual interview format and actually get interviewed for once! Tune into this special edition episode to learn a bit about what happens behind the scenes to make it all happen each week, what I've been up to this past year, lessons I've learned from all of my amazing guests, and what is in store for 2016!
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Geraldine is the founder of the Justisse Method - a comprehensive method of fertility awareness cycle charting that she founded in 1987. She is the CEO of Justisse Healthworks for Women, and she is the Academic Dean of the Justisse Training College. She has worked as a fertility awareness educator and a holistic reproductive health practitioner since 1977, and she has been active in the reproductive health freedoms movement since then. She qualified as a lay midwife in 1985.
Between 1977 and 1986 she completed the Billings Method, SERENA Canada, Couple-to-Couple League, and Creighton training. And more recently, Geraldine completed her doctorate in Depth Psychology in 2014. Her work integrates her experience in sexual and reproductive health with a depth psychological view of healing.
And in today’s show, we talk about the history of Fertility Awareness-Based Methods, and what the future holds for this field, and for Fertility Awareness Educators!
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Jerilynn is a Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of British Columbia. She has spent her career studying menstrual cycles and the effects of the cycle's estrogen and progesterone hormones on women's health. She is the founder (2002) and Scientific Director of the Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research (CeMCOR).
She is also Director of the BC Centre for the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMOS) that is studying osteoporosis, fractures and bone density in both women and men. Dr. Prior has studied women's menstrual cycles, perimenopause and the causes for and treatment of osteoporosis. She is the author of Estrogen's Storm Season--stories of perimenopause, and has recently co-authored The Estrogen Errors--Why Progesterone is Better for Women's Health.
In today’s show, we talk about the important role that regular ovulation plays not only in a woman’s menstrual cycle and in her fertility but in her overall health in many ways, more specifically with respect to a woman’s bone health, heart health, and breast health.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Diane is Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist in Newport Beach, California, specializing in nutrition counseling for compulsive overeating, binge eating, weight management, diabetes, food allergies, as well as MTHFR gene mutation and methylation defects, and numerous other medical concerns. Diane has her Bachelor of Science in Clinical Nutrition and has her Master of Nutritional Science as well. She has a specialized certification in treating eating disorders, and she is also certified in Food allergies by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
In today’s show, we talk about the MTHFR gene mutation and how it can impact a woman’s health and fertility. We talk about how common this gene mutation is and how significantly it can interfere with a woman's fertility. We also talk about folic acid, and why you may want to steer clear of it altogether.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Joy is a Registered Nurse, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and a Public Health Nurse. She is the Director of the Natural Family Planning Program at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Centre in Spokane Washington. Joy and her Natural Family Planning students began studying the effects of night lighting on the menstrual cycle in 1976. Joy is the author of the book Effect of Light on the Menstrual Cycle and Fertility and her work has highlighted the significant impact of light on the menstrual cycle and fertility.
In today’s show, we talk about Joy’s research and how limiting our exposure to light at nighttime can improve menstrual cycle health and fertility. We also talk about the philosophy behind Natural Family Planning which gives a window into the differences and similarities between Natural Family Planning and the Fertility Awareness Method. (Skip ahead to the 45-minute mark if you want to go straight to the discussion of the light elimination technique!
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Kym is a musician, surfer, and blogger/podcaster who has been struggling with Infertility for a number of years now. I was inspired when I came across Kym’s blog because of her willingness to share her experiences and her fertility challenges experience to help women who are also struggling with infertility. In today’s show, Kym will be talking about her experiences with IVF and other reproductive technologies as well as her PCOS diagnosis, what she has learned from these experiences and how she has managed to maintain hope and positivity throughout her fertility journey.
In today's show, Kym shares her experience with infertility, fertility drugs, fertility treatments and how she has remained hopeful throughout her fertility journey over the past 4 years.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Angelique is a Nutritional Therapist who trained at the renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) in London. She was trained in the principles of functional medicine, a science-based method that assesses the underlying causes of symptoms. Angelique has a passion for the healing power of food and nutrients. She works with her clients to enhance the systems in the body, including digestive function, strengthening the immune system, balancing blood sugar levels and helping the body’s natural detoxification pathways.
Angelique specializes in the fields of Female Health & fertility, Stress Management, Hormonal Balance, Energy Enhancement and Digestive Wellness. Her working approach is personal, supportive and tailored individually to her clients. She works with clients either face to face in her London clinic or anywhere in the world via Skype.
In today’s show, Angelique talks about her own journey to health and how she has benefited first hand from the power of nutrition. We also talk about the impact of sugar consumption on the body and how it can impact fertility.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Donna Zubrod is a nationally certified and NC state Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist. She is a certified practitioner with advanced training in preconception wellness, fertility enhancement, and pregnancy of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®. She has numerous certifications including a certification in Mercier Therapy and various massage techniques including pregnancy massage, fertility massage and both pre and perinatal massage.
Diane MacDonald is a Registered Nurse with over 30 years in the field of nursing. She has her Masters Degree in Nursing and is a former Family Nurse Practitioner. She has worked extensively in mainstream and alternative health care. She has been an Arvigo® practitioner for 15 years integrating this modality into her practice. She teaches all levels including Hands on Health (one day class) Self Care and Professional Training. She has taught workshops in England, Australia, Belize and throughout the States.
Her practice focuses on the Arvigo® Techniques as well as health and wellness support, herbology, Reiki, Reflexology and much more.
Together Donna and Diane edited the recently released book "Journeys in Healing: Inspiring Experiences of Arvigo® Practitioners & Their Clients". This book was published last October by the Arvigo Institute and is a compilation of 30+ clinical case studies authored by Arvigo® Therapy practitioners from around the world. The case studies featured in the book demonstrate the profound healing that Arvigo® Therapy can offer and cover a wide variety of reproductive and digestive conditions including fertility related issues.
In today’s show, we discuss the book, the inspiration behind the book as well as the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® and the implications this work has for women struggling with fertility issues.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Eleni is a clinical nutritionist, geneticist and founder of Primal Baby. She has her Masters in Human Molecular Genetics. And she left the academic research environment to focus on her true passion, which is evidence-based natural health and alternative medicine. Eleni helps women, who are trying to conceive or are already expecting a baby, to optimize their diet and lifestyle in order to conceive naturally and have the healthiest baby possible. Her passion is empowering women to take control of their fertility and their baby´s health, effectively protecting the well being of the next generation, one baby at a time.
In today's show, we talk about Eleni's approach with her fertility clients and how she helps her clients improve their fertility naturally through diet and lifestyle changes as well as addressing environmental factors.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Sarah is a Fertility Awareness Educator who has been charting her own cycles using Fertility Awareness since 1995, and she trained as a FAM educator with Fertility UK in 2011, and like all women who learn this amazing method of natural birth control, she is passionate about sharing this knowledge with women!
In today’s show, we talk about the Fertility Awareness Method, Sarah’s experience working with clients, and we delve into the topic of cervical fluid, an area that women often have questions about when they first start charting their cycles.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Saskia is a Motherhood Soul Purpose and Fertility Expert. She is the CEO of The New Code of Motherhood, and she works with people from all over the world who are often at a crossroads in their lives whether it is related to fertility, conception, and birth, or career and life choices. She holds certificates in Naturopathy, Transformational Healing, Birthing, and Fertility Therapy, Integrative Life Healing Coaching, Advanced Hypnotherapy. Hypnobirthing, and many other specializations.
Saskia is the author of the bestselling book “A Suitcase Full of Faith, How One Woman Found Her Dream Trusting the Compass of Her Soul”, and she is a Radio Host, Soul Purpose Coach, best-selling author, and co-author with Jack Canfield, Steven Covey and Deepak Chopra, Saskia’s mission is to empower millions of people to live their biggest dreams.
In today's show, we talk about fertility and birth, some of the most common subconscious blocks that prevent couples from conceiving, and some of the ways that we can overcome them. We also talk about the birthing process, why so many women fear birth, and how we can work towards birthing babies without fear through the teachings of Hypnobirthing.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Andrea is a Natural Foods Chef, an author, and a television host dedicated to alternative healing and green, sustainable living. Andrea was a featured contestant on Bravo’s hit reality TV show, Top Chef. She is a regularly featured food and health expert on CBS News and has appeared on Barbara Walters, The View, Emeril Live and Whole Living on Martha Stewart Radio. She is also the host of the Award Nominated Fed UP! A cooking show that educates guests and viewers on how to cook for, and cure, bodily ailments.
Andrea is also the author of The Whole Truth - How I Naturally Reclaimed My Health and You Can Too!, The Whole Truth - Eating and Recipe Guide, Health is Wealth – Make a Delicious Investment in You! And her newest book, Happy Healthy Thyroid - The Essential Steps to Healing Naturally is coming out this fall.
In today’s show, we talk about thyroid health, how thyroid health relates to fertility, and the ways thyroid conditions can be healed naturally through nutrition and dietary changes.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Dr. McColloch is a Naturopathic doctor who has been practicing for 15 years in Toronto (Canada). She is the founder and owner of White Lotus Integrative Medicine, a clinic specializing in women’s health and fertility. Dr. McCulloch’s clinical focus is on Fertility, PCOS, Autoimmune Disease and Thyroid Health, and she treats a wide variety of other conditions as well. Dr. Fiona just finished writing her first book on the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome – “6 Steps To Reverse Your PCOS”
In today’s show, we talk about the connection between autoimmune disease and fertility, and some of the ways that these conditions can be treated naturally to improve fertility and help women conceive naturally!
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Toni is the author of the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility! Like many of you listening, Taking Charge of Your Fertility was the very first resource that I relied on when I first discovered the fertility awareness method, and I have mentioned her book in nearly every podcast interview that I’ve done on the topic of fertility awareness! Her book has been responsible for helping literally hundreds of thousands of women avoid pregnancy naturally, maximize their chances of getting pregnant, or helping them to gain a better understanding of their overall health and fertility through charting.
Toni has a master's degree in public health and is a nationally respected women's health educator and speaker. She is also the author of Cycle Savvy, a book for teenage girls about their bodies. Toni has also recently released the 20th anniversary edition of Taking Charge of Your Fertility, and in today’s episode we delve into the new edition of the book, what is different in the new and revised version as well as the impact that her work has had over the years in educating women about their fertility, their bodies, and their health.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Sarah is a Justisse Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner (HRHP). She is also a Birth Doula and a Birth Doula Instructor. However, Sarah wasn’t always working in the Holistic Health background given that she actually spent 11 years working for the Canadian Military as a Medic before she changed her career path.
In today’s show, we talk about Sarah’s work as a Birth Doula, and exactly what a Doula does to help women during pregnancy, labor and postpartum. We will also be talking about Sarah’s experience as a Fertility Awareness Educator, what the training process was like for her, and how she these two specializations have allowed her to serve women in her practice.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Dr. Rozenn has practiced Integrative Medicine for over 15 years. She is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine with dual specializations in Women’s Health and Pain Management. She teaches classes to Masters and Doctoral Students how to treat Women’s health and fertility issues at various Universities, and she has recently authored the book Your Fertility Program geared towards helping patients navigate the confusing field of infertility.
In today’s episode will talk about the important role that Thyroid health plays in fertility, as well as the important role that having healthy menstrual cycles plays in fertility. We also talk about the Oriental medicine perspective, and how it differs from the western medical perspective.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Sarah is a certified life coach and health coach. She trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, studying more than 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. She practices a holistic approach to health and wellness, meaning that she looks at how all areas of your life are connected. She helps her clients to look at how all the different parts of your life affect your health and your fertility.
In today's episode, we talk about Sarah's fertility journey having had a diagnosis of Premature Ovarian Failure at age 28, and what her experience was like conceiving her children through IVF using donor eggs. We also talk about exactly what fertility coaching is, and some of the ways we can all boost our infertility naturally.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Melanie began working in the field of sexuality education in 1984 when she became a Planned Parenthood patient educator. She has created and facilitated numerous workshops in the area of sexuality and sexuality education. Her work in these areas leads her to pursue her Masters of Education and Ph.D. Her mission is to help people learn and enjoy sexuality. She currently consults privately with individuals and couples at the New Jersey Center for Sexual Wellness. She also provides professional development and facilitates presentations for medical health professionals.
In today’s show we talk about the importance of learning accurate information about sexuality from a young age, and what are some of the most common challenges both women and couples face in the area of sexuality. We discuss some of the ways that sexuality changes throughout the years in relationships, and how sexuality changes with age. We also talk about orgasms, female ejaculation, body image and many more juicy topics around sexuality!
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Lisa is a Justisse Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner who has been working in the field since 1988. She has an extensive background in women’s reproductive health and fertility, and also works as a Natural Health Consultant (at the Pharmasave Health Centre) in Parksville BC.
In today’s show, we talk about the profound impact that the fertility awareness method can have throughout the different phases of a woman's life. Specifically through a woman's reproductive years, and the implications of using Fertility Awareness to navigate through the perimenopausal and menopausal years of a woman's life.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Today's episode is a bit different than my recent interview podcasts. Instead of having a guest on the show, this episode is a replay of a presentation that I recently facilitated for Darou Wellness in Toronto. In case you don't know me already a few things you might want to know are that I trained as a Justisse Body Literacy Advocate with Justisse Healthworks for Women several years ago, I have been charting my own menstrual cycles using the Fertility Awareness Method for the past 13 years or so, and I am the founder of this awesome blog as well as the Fertility Friday Podcast!
In this episode, I cover the basics of the Fertility Awareness Method including the 3 fertile signs, cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and cervical position. I discuss why having regular menstrual cycles and regular ovulation is not just important for fertility but also for overall health, and I also talk about why many health professionals consider the menstrual cycle to be the 5th vital sign that serves as an indicator of a woman's overall health status.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Laura is a veteran sexual and reproductive health advocate who has worked for and volunteered with Planned Parenthood-affiliated organizations in Canada since 1986. She was a Columnist for Troy Health Media, and she is the new editor-in-chief for Re: Cycling, the blog of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research. As many of you know, I recently interviewed Holly-Grigg Spall, and in that interview, we spoke about her book Sweetening the Pill or how we got hooked on hormonal birth control. Laura actually wrote the forward to this book, and she has also publicly shown her support for the upcoming documentary that Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein are doing based on the book. And she has also charted her cycles for 27 years.
Today we will be talking about the health implications of using the Fertility Awareness Method that go beyond the practical aspects of having a hormone-free method of birth control, why rejecting the pill is actually not "anti-feminist" and why it is important for women to have access to accurate information about all forms of birth control regardless of what method they eventually decide to rely on.
Topics discussed in today's episode
In this podcast episode, Laura described the hormonal changes that a woman experiences naturally throughout her menstrual cycle, and how that changes when a woman is taking hormonal contraceptives. For reference, here is an image of the hormonal cycle during a healthy menstrual cycle. You'll notice that a woman has high levels of estrogen in the first half of her menstrual cycle before ovulation, and high levels of progesterone in the second half of her cycle after she ovulates.
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You can connect with Laura on the Re: Cycling Blog for The Society for Menstrual Cycle Research and on Facebook and Twitter!
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Aisha has been using the Fertility Awareness Method for almost 3 years, and she, like most of us who discover fertility awareness, had to share it and give other women the opportunity to learn about it as well, so she started a Facebook Group - Fertility Awareness Method of Birth Control which now has over 1500 members and counting!
In today’s show, we’ll be talking about all about the Fertility Awareness Method, what Aisha’s experience has been like, and what prompted her to start using FAM in the first place!
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Kim and her sister Amy are the Red Tent Sisters! The Sisters have created a family business that not only helps women learn holistically (nonhormonal) birth control using the Fertility Awareness Method, but have also been raising awareness about healthy sexuality, and providing women with healthy, environmentally-friendly sex products through their website I had Amy on the show a few months ago and we talked all about the Fertility Awareness Method and the effects of long-term birth control use. If you haven't had a chance you can tune into my interview with Amy here.
Kim specializes in the area of healthy sexuality and she has been educating women and men for years on all things sex from gaining confidence in the bedroom to sex toys and everything in between! In today's show, we talk about sexuality, orgasms, female pleasure, and we get into some of the reasons that prevent women from having a truly satisfying sex life.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
You may be familiar with Katie’s extensive work in the Fertility Awareness world. She is the author of several books about Fertility Awareness including The Garden of Fertility, Honoring Our Cycles, and Honoring Our Cycles in Africa. The Garden of Fertility is much more than a “how to” book on Fertility Awareness, it also provides extensive information on how a woman’s menstrual cycle is an indicator of her overall health, and she discusses how various health issues may show up in your charts.
In Katie’s most recent book An Electronic Silent Spring, she focuses on the impact of long-term exposure to Electromagnetic radiation, the same EMR technology that powers all of our wireless devices such as cell phones, computers, iPods, laptops and so much more. In today’s episode we talk about why it’s important for women to learn to chart their cycles for health, regardless of whether or not they are trying to conceive, we talk about the night-lighting technique that helps women to regulate their cycles by alternating complete darkness with light while sleeping, and we also talk about the impact that electromagnetic radiation can have on our fertility.
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Connect with Katie
You can connect with Katie on any of her 3 websites: Katie Singer, Garden of Fertility and Electronic Silent Spring.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)
Marc is the founder and Clinical Director of the Reproductive Wellness Clinic in San Diego California. He has extensive experience and expertise in treating and resolving the causes of infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss with classical Acupuncture and Chinese Medicines. A culmination of studying world religions and ancient healing techniques, combined with extensive world travel, gives Marc a unique understanding of the human body and spirit. A Doctor of Acupuncture, Board Certified Herbalist, and Oriental Medicine Practitioner, and Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine, Marc approaches his patients with an open mind, compassion, and a medically integrative perspective.
In today's show, we talk about the role that acupuncture can play in improving fertility in both women and men. We discuss the importance of seeking assistance early especially if a woman is noticing signs of sub-optimal fertility. We talk about male factor infertility, why it is so important for men to be tested early, and the myth that infertility is a women's issue. After today's show, I'm thinking that a lot more men will be heading out to see their fertility doctor for some basic fertility testing!
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You can connect with Marc on his website, his clinic Reproductive Wellness, and on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube!
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by Sirc of (The Nock)