
Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery for Women's Health Professionals

Are you ready to uplevel your women's health practice? Welcome to the Fertility Friday Podcast! A podcast designed to empower you to use fertility awareness both personally and professionally. If you are a woman's health professional — and you’re not fully utilizing the menstrual cycle as a vital sign — it's time to change that right away! Through evidence-based literature reviews, engaging discussions, expert interviews, and compelling client stories, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, FAE, HRHP covers everything from complex menstrual cycle chart interpretation and balancing hormones to overcoming fertility challenges and more. With over 20 years of experience teaching fertility awareness, Lisa combines her real-world expertise with the latest research to ensure you're fully equipped to support your clients. Lisa's first book, "The Fifth Vital Sign," describes the menstrual cycle as an important vital sign we should pay attention to. Her most recent book, "Real Food for Fertility" (co-authored with Lily Nichols, RDN), explores how a healthy menstrual cycle sets the stage for a healthy pregnancy. With well over 4 million downloads, Fertility Friday is the #1 source for information about fertility awareness and menstrual cycle health. All women deserve to understand how their bodies work, and if we wait for our education systems to do it we may be waiting forever. It's up to us to be the change we wish to see in the field of women's health. In other words, It's YOUR TURN to bring this essential information to your clients sooner rather than later — they need it now!
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Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery for Women's Health Professionals













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Now displaying: 2018
Dec 28, 2018

Today I share an on-air client session with my client Leah B. Leah was a part of my most recent 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery group program. Join us for Fertility Awareness Mastery in January 2019! We start in a few weeks.

Today’s episode is also sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program! Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. We start on January 22nd, 2019. Will you be joining us?

Click here for more information!


Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • How to tell if your menstrual/pelvic pain is normal
  • Could pelvic/menstrual pain be related to endometriosis?
  • How Leah used body literacy to reduce her pelvic pain over time
  • Deconstructing cervical position charting
  • Why it's easier to chart your cycles when your cycles are healthy
  • The impact of light on the menstrual cycle
  • Reducing nighttime light exposure

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on her Facebook, Twitter and on her website.

Resources mentioned

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery Live Group Program

This episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!

Dec 21, 2018

Happy Podcast-aversary to Fertility Friday! (Yay!) The Fertility Friday podcast has been going strong for 4 years. I can barely believe it because it certainly doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. The saying “time flies when you’re having fun” definitely applies here!

In today’s episode, I share my top takeaways from 2018. I often think of my years in themes, and several themes came up for me this year. I call out the healthcare system, do a bit of pill-bashing, and discuss where feminism fits into it all leaving you with a jam-packed and informative episode you won’t want to miss!

Today’s episode is also sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program! Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. We start on January 22nd, 2019. Will you be joining us?

Dec 14, 2018

Taq was a member of my January 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Program, and today she joins me for an on-air client session! We talk about thyroid and fertility, and why it’s not always easy to find a practitioner who will help you determine the root cause.

Today’s episode is also sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program! Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. We start on January 22nd, 2019. Will you be joining us?

Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • The emotional side effects Taq experienced on hormonal birth control
  • Building the habit of charting your cycles
  • Reducing nighttime sleep exposure to improve menstrual cycle health
  • How thyroid disorders show up on the menstrual cycle chart
  • The difference between T4 and T3 (thyroid hormones) and why the TSH test alone isn't sufficient to diagnose thyroid disorders
  • Functional vs conventional ranges for thyroid hormone lab tests
  • Shifting to body literacy, and learning to appreciate your menstrual cycles
  • The importance of seeking support from a qualified health practitioner who specializes in the specific issue you have

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on her Facebook, Twitter and on her website.

Resources mentioned

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery Live Group Program

This episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!

Dec 7, 2018

Dr. Prior is a Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of British Columbia working on women’s health. She studies menstrual cycles, the effects of ovulation and its disturbances on women’s later life osteoporotic fracture, heart attack, and breast cancer risks. She is the British Columbia Center Director of the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMos), a 20-year prospective 9-centre population-based bone and general health study and the Scientific Director and Founder of the Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research.

I first interviewed Dr. Prior back in episode 55, so make sure to take a listen if you haven’t heard it before. In today’s episode we’re talking about the important role of progesterone (and regular ovulation) for overall health, beyond your ability to procreate!

Today’s episode is also sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program! Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. We start on January 22nd, 2019. Will you be joining us? Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • The connection between regular ovulation and overall health
  • The difference between anovulation and a short luteal phase as it relates to low progesterone
  • The relationship between low progesterone, a short luteal phase, and stress
  • Could menstrual cycle disruptions be related to the status of women in our culture?
  • Why would subtle variations of progesterone in the luteal phase make such a significant difference in a woman's bone density
  • The true ratio of estrogen to progesterone in the menstrual cycle
  • The different roles of estrogen and progesterone in the menstrual cycle
  • The impact of hormonal contraceptives on bone density, particularly as it relates to the development of peak bone mass
  • The impact of progesterone on a woman's risk of heart attack
  • The impact of stress on heart health
  • The role of mindfulness practices in reducing stress

Connect with Dr. Jerilynn Prior:

You can connect with Dr. Prior on her website.

Resources mentioned

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery Live Group Program

This episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!

Nov 30, 2018

Dr. Miller is board certified in Family Medicine and also has additional training as a Natural Procreative Technology Medical Consultant. As a NaPro physician, she has extensive experience in Natural Fertility Awareness and using a natural approach to correct common women’s health disorders. NaPro Technology is a new women’s health science that monitors and maintains a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health. It provides medical and surgical treatments that cooperate completely with the reproductive system. NaPro Technology Consultants have an extensive understanding of the female reproductive system and the fertility awareness method, and their treatment protocols are informed by the woman’s own unique menstrual cycle variations.

I first interviewed Dr. Miller back in Episode 31, so make sure to take a listen if you haven’t heard it before. In today’s episode, we’re talking about birth — preparing for birth, and how to maximize your chances of having the type of birth you want.

Today’s episode is also sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program! Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. We start on January 22nd, 2019. Will you be joining us? Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • Why Dr. Miller says she didn't really know what birth was until she had her first baby (even though she had previously attended over 100 births!)
  • How Dr. Miller was able to go from doctor to patient by preparing herself for her first birth
  • Why birth, itself, is not a medical emergency
  • The role of the cervix in birth — the difference between dilation and effacement
  • The incredible difference between Dr. Miller's first two birth experiences compared to her third

Connect with Dr. Miller:

You can connect with Dr. Miller on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery Live Group Program

This episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!

Nov 23, 2018

In today’s episode, I share my top 10 strategies for getting your partner on board with fertility awareness charting, especially when you intend to switch to fertility awareness for birth control!

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series? Click here for access.

Today’s episode is also sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs. My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • Share why fertility awareness is important to you
  • Take the necessary time to learn and understand the method before you start using it
  • Find out how much your partner wants to be involved
  • Consider taking a class to show your partner how serious you are about making it work
  • Decide on the lingo you and your partner will use to communicate whether you're fertile or infertile
  • Be clear and honest in your communication, especially if you miss a day or if you are unsure of your observations
  • Have a conversation about how you will manage your fertile window
  • Share the science with skeptical partners
  • Share the benefits of using fertility awareness!
  • Be patient as it may take time for your partner to feel comfortable using FAM

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on Facebook, Twitter and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Nov 16, 2018

Angie Firmalino holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Metal smithing from Syracuse University, an Associate’s in Psychology from Syracuse University, and an Associate’s in Jewelry Design from the FIT.  She also studied abroad in Florence, Italy. She then worked as a bench jeweler in New York City, a goldsmith for Steven Kretchmer, and then became a freelance wax model maker after her first child was born in 1998.  Due to continuing health problems, she no longer is able to work as a jeweler.  Mrs. Firmalino founded an advocacy group against Essure in 2011, called Essure Problems.  She continues to run that group and founded ASHES nonprofit in 2015. She is also involved with Medical Device Problems, a website launched in July of 2018.  She and her family live in the Catskill Mountains of New York.

Amanda Rusmisell is a wife and mother of two boys in Charlotte, North Carolina. She holds her Bachelors of Science from Appalachian State University and her Masters of Counseling from the University of North Carolina Charlotte. Currently, she works in the nonprofit sector. Amanda has always been an active volunteer and advocate in her community. After being harmed from a medical device and having major surgery, she joined the Essure Problems Facebook Group. She was shocked to see the harm caused to so many women and was compelled to help. Amanda is the Legislative Liaison for the Essure Problems Group. She has spoken before the FDA, organized and participated in numerous advocacy meetings in Washington DC and collaborated with other nonprofits to bring awareness to the issues surrounding Essure and medical devices.

In today’s episode, we talk about the issues with Essure, a highly problematic form of permanent birth control that has affected tens of thousands of women worldwide, the recent Netflix documentary The Bleeding Edge, and the issue with the medical device industry.

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series? Click here for access.

Today’s episode is also sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs. My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What is Essure and why was an entire Netflix documentary created to address the issues with it?
  • The tendency of many medical professionals to minimize the experiences of women (i.e. medical "gas-lighting")
  • Pain with insertion and immediate side effects associated with Essure in some women
  • The curious history of Essure as it was first created as a fertility device
  • The role of the Essure Problems group in helping to get the Essure device discontinued in the United States (as of the end of 2018)
  • The issues with the medical device approval process in the United States
  • The various presentations of Essure side effects, and why many women don't experience side effects right away
  • How Essure passed clinical trials even though many of the women in the initial clinical trials experienced serious side effects
  • What side effects are associated with the Essure device
  • Issues with insertion and removal and why the Essure Problems group have developed a special removal protocol to follow to minimize removal issues
  • Broader implications of this situation as it relates to the status of women
  • The importance of body literacy for all women
  • The collective power of women when we join together
  • Your right to advocate for the care you need

Connect with Angie and Amanda:

You can connect with Angie and Amanda on Facebook, Twitter and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Nov 9, 2018

Dr. Rozenn has practiced Integrative Medicine for almost 20 years. She is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine with a dual specialization in Women’s Health and Pain Management and a fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine ( She teaches Masters and Doctoral students from various universities on how to treat Women’s health, in addition to male and female fertility issues. Dr. Rozenn is working on the second edition of her book, Your Fertility Program, aimed to assist people to navigate the confusing field of infertility. You may remember her from our first interview together back in Episode 41.

Dr. Rozenn maintains a private practice in Santa Cruz, California where she provides specialized Integrative Medicine care including acupuncture and herbal therapy, diet and lifestyle counseling, and Western and Eastern diagnostic tests to men and women wishing to become parents.

In today’s episode, we talk about  Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) and Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR), and why, other than IVF with an egg donor, Western medicine has few options to offer.

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series? Click here for access.

Today’s episode is also sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs. My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What is premature ovarian failure?
  • What is resistant ovarian syndrome?
  • The cycle of seven in Chinese medicine as it pertains to women's reproductive lifespan
  • How the perspective of Western medicine differs from Chinese medicine
  • The challenge of hearing different information from different practitioners
  • How long does it take to improve egg quality in women?
  • The importance of consuming warm food (from a Chinese medicine perspective)
  • Why Dr. Rozenn recommends that you reduce your sugar consumption!

Connect with Maureen:

You can connect with Maureen on Facebook, Twitter and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Oct 26, 2018

Dr. Katz is an Instructor at Baylor College of Medicine in The Center for Precision Environmental Health. She began her research career as a McNair Scholar at the Pennsylvania State University and earned her Ph.D. at Rutgers University where she was a Southern Regional Education Board Doctoral Scholar and a National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute Fellowship recipient.

During her dissertation work, she began studying the developmental origins of health and disease and breast cancer risk. She went on to the University of Pittsburgh in the Women’s Cancer Research Center to continue studying how epigenetic mechanisms contribute to breast cancer risk with a particular focus on the protective effect of early pregnancy against breast cancer.

Dr. Katz believes that there are periods during the life course where the genome becomes highly dynamic to accommodate great change such as early development, puberty, and pregnancy and has termed these times of purposeful plasticity.

In today’s episode, we’re talking about the connection between endocrine disrupting chemicals and various health issues including fibroids and endometriosis.

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series? Click here for access.

Today’s episode is also sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs. My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • The protective effect of pregnancy on the lifetime risk of breast cancer (and how it relates to a woman's age at first pregnancy)
  • Is there a link between xenoestrogens and the development of fibroids and/or endometriosis?
  • Developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
  • The potential fallout of early exposure (in utero) to endocrine disrupting chemicals
  • The role of epigenetics in future risk of developing various health conditions
  • How big of a role a genetic predisposition to certain illnesses (i.e. fibroids, endometriosis) play in your risk of developing it?
  • Genetic determination versus environmental exposure
  • The difference between xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens
  • Practical ways to reduce your exposure

Connect with Tiffany:

You can connect with Tiffany on LinkedIn, and on Baylor College's website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Oct 19, 2018

Tola Okogwu is a British blogger and author of the ‘Daddy Do My Hair?’ book series for children. She recently launched KECHIS ‘Kechi’s Hair Goes Every Which Way’ in May 2018, Tola wants to tackle the relationship between young black girls and their natural afro hair in a vibrant, entertaining and educational way. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in journalism and has written for several publications including Black Beauty and Hair Magazine and Metro UK.

In her own words: “For black people, hair is so much more than just what grows out of our heads. Along with our skin colour, it’s the biggest signifier of the differences between us and other races and for the longest time we’ve been made to feel that there is something wrong and unattractive about it.”

In today’s show, we talk about the issue of chemicals in black hair products, and how black women can move away from products that contain harmful chemicals.

Join me in New York on November 3rd for an epic event, Hack Your Cycles to Change Your Life! Click here for details

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series? Click here for access.

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • The complexities and politics of straitening your hair as a black woman
  • The toxic and damaging nature of hair relaxer
  • Relaxer and chemical burns
  • Is there a link between hair relaxer and fibroids?
  • The importance of informed choice as it relates to hair-care products
  • Embracing the beauty of natural hair
  • How manufacturers have adapted to the natural hair movement
  • The xenoestrogen and other chemical content of natural hair products
  • The particular way black women use hair-care and other beauty products, and why this exacerbates our toxic exposure
  • How to minimize your exposure?
  • How many products do you need?

Connect with Tola:

You can connect with Tola on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Oct 12, 2018

Valerie has been working in women’s health field for the last decade. Her medical career experiences and passion for helping women merged when she founded her educational website She focuses on guiding women of any reproductive age through the complex and challenging paths of fertility decisions.

Valerie compliments the Eggsperience website with a fertility podcast called Eggology Club that she hosts to continue to change the conversation around cryopreservation and egg freezing. Valerie provides non-bias and fact-based information to empower women to feel inspired, brave, and act progressively to take control of their future families and protect their fertility.

And in today’s episode, we talk all about fertility preservation, cryopreservation, and egg freezing.

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series? Click here for access.

Join me in New York on November 3rd for an epic event: Hack Your Cycles to Change Your Life! Click here for details.

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What is fertility preservation?
  • What is the difference between egg and embryo freezing?
  • Can egg freezing stop the aging process?
  • The impact of aging on fertility?
  • How many eggs are necessary to have a successful pregnancy and live birth?
  • What is the best age for egg freezing?
  • What does egg freezing entail? Is it similar to IVF?
  • Improving egg quality in preparation for egg retrieval
  • Cost effective options for women who want to freeze their eggs
  • What types of drugs are used in the process?

Connect with Valerie:

You can connect with Valerie on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Oct 5, 2018

In today’s FAM Reality Series episode, Rachel and I talk about how to make sense of wonky cycles.

Click here for other episodes in the Fertility Awareness Reality Series.

This episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program. We start on October 9th (2018). Will you be joining us? Click here for details!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What issues can impact ovulation?
  • Interpreting temperature fluctuations
  • The relationship between cervical position and your hormone levels
  • The difference between random fluctuations and health issues that show up in your charts
  • The importance of looking for patterns and trends over several months prior to making rash judgements about your charts
  • Possible sources of breast tenderness during the luteal phase

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Sep 28, 2018

Today I am joined by Nicola Rinaldi, author of, No Period. Now What? for her second interview on the podcast. Make sure to go back and listen to our first interview together in Episode 141. Today’s episode focuses on the emotional aspects of hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA), whereas our first episode focused more on how to identify the condition, and identifying the difference between HA and PCOS.

This episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program. Master fertility awareness, take a deep dive into your cycles, gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. We start on October 9th. Will you be joining us? Click here for details!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What is Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA)?
  • Why regular ovulation is important for overall health (not only when you want to have babies!)
  • The role of estrogen and progesterone in the menstrual cycle
  • Are periods necessary?
  • HA as a symptom of a broader social issue
  • The role of under-eating and over-exercise in HA
  • Overcoming the mindset associated with severe caloric restriction with food
  • Why hormonal contraceptives aren't the solution for HA
  • Overcoming HA when trying to conceive

Connect with Nicola:

You can connect with Nicola on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Sep 21, 2018

In today’s FAM Reality Series episode, Daysi shares her experience moving from a PCOS diagnosis to a possible diagnosis of endometriosis all while trying to conceive.

Click here for other episodes in the Fertility Awareness Reality Series.

This episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program. We start on October 9th (2018). Will you be joining us? Click here for details!


Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • How much mucus is necessary for successful conception?
  • How to identify your fertile window?
  • The association between hormonal birth control and HPV and abnormal cervical cells
  • Why not all women experience the same observations of cervical mucus
  • The importance of monitoring sperm health when you experience fertility challenges
  • Stacking your healthcare team

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Sep 14, 2018

In today’s episode, I share the top 10 ways I’ve reduced my sugar consumption over the past 10 plus years, and I share how my cycles have changed as a result!

This episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program. We start on October 9th. Will you be joining us? Click here for details!

You are invited to join us in the Fertility Awareness Mastery program! You’ll have an opportunity to master Fertility Awareness, take a deep dive into your cycles, gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here to apply now!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • The reason why I opt for water over juice and pop
  • Why I went (mostly) gluten free & reduced my grain consumption
  • The importance of having a balanced breakfast
  • How to reduce your carbohydrate consumption by changing your plate
  • Knowing the difference between high and low sugar fruits
  • Skip the sugar with alternative sweeteners!
  • Tips for reducing processed foods
  • Do you have to give up chocolate? (Hint: I didn't!)
  • Benefits of tracking what you eat for a few days
  • Why moderation is important
  • Can your sugar intake impact your cycles?

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Sep 7, 2018

In today’s FAM Reality Series episode, Maria shares her experience managing painful periods while trying to conceive.

Click here for other episodes in the Fertility Awareness Reality Series.

Today's episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program.

You are invited to join us in the Fertility Awareness Mastery program! Master Fertility Awareness, take a deep dive into your cycles and discover the connection between your fertility and your health. Click here to apply now!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • The connection between dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, and infertility
  • Managing period pain
  • Timing sex for conception
  • What are optimal sperm parameters?
  • How to optimize sex for conception when sperm count or quality is low
  • How important is laying on your back after sex (when trying to conceive)?

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

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Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Aug 31, 2018

In today’s FAM Reality Series episode, Georgia shares her experience learning to use fertility awareness for birth control.

Click here for other episodes in the Fertility Awareness Reality Series.

Today's episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program.

You are invited to join us in the Fertility Awareness Mastery program! Master Fertility Awareness, take a deep dive into your cycles and discover the connection between your fertility and your health. Click here to apply now!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • How Georgia managed to avoid pregnancy without hormonal birth control
  • Georgia's experience with irregular bleeding during her cycle
  • Possible causes of abnormal mucus patterns and mid-cycle spotting
  • Interpreting varied basal body temperatures and pinpointing ovulation
  • Using cervical checks to confirm ovulation
  • What does a normal cervical mucus pattern look like?
  • Using fertility awareness to avoid pregnancy

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Aug 24, 2018

Today’s episode is the newest installment of the Pill Reality Series. Julia had a stroke as a direct result of taking hormonal birth control. She shares her experience in today’s episode.

Click here for other episodes in the Pill Reality Series.

Today's episode is sponsored by my 10 Week Fertility Awareness Mastery Group Program.

You are invited to join us in the Fertility Awareness Mastery program! Master Fertility Awareness, take a deep dive into your cycles, and discover the connection between your fertility and your health. Click here to apply now!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • Julia's history with hormonal contraceptives, and the events leading up to the stroke
  • The early warning signs and symptoms that Julia was at risk
  • The lengthy recovery process
  • Why in Julia's case, she can never use hormonal birth control again
  • Why so most of us don't consider blood clots and stroke to be a significant risk factor
  • Why women's experiences are often minimized by health professionals
  • The importance of informed choice as it relates to women's health, and birth control in particular

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Aug 17, 2018

Today’s episode is all about menstrual cups! After nearly 20 years as an avid cup user, I decided to weigh in and share my top tips for using cups successfully.

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series. Click here for access.

My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence in charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • The issues associated with conventional pads and tampons from toxins to synthetic fibers
  • The main differences between using menstrual cups vs pads and tampons
  • The environmental impact of disposable menstrual products
  • Benefits of using menstrual cups
  • Why cups are helpful if you have either heavy or light periods
  • How to choose a menstrual cup - size, shape, and firmness
  • How to change your menstrual cup in public bathroom stalls
  • How to minimize and manage leakage
  • How to clean your menstrual cup
  • My top hacks to optimize your use of menstrual cups

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on FacebookTwitter, and on her website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Aug 10, 2018

Warren is a Licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and is the clinic director at Acupuncture Atlanta. Warren has practiced Chinese medicine for over 20 years in the fields of infertility and chronic disease conditions. He maintains an active clinical practice in Atlanta, Georgia.

He is the author of, Your Mitochondria: Key to Health and Longevity, which is based on the latest research on herbal isolates and nutraceuticals, presents approaches for correcting these three factors to reverse age-related diseases.

In today’s episode we talk about mitochondria, and the role they play in fertility (and egg quality).

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series. Click here for access.

My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence in charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What are mitochondria, and what is their role in our cells?
  • How do mitochondria produce energy for our cells?
  • How many mitochondria are in different cells of our body, specifically our heart cells, brain cells, and our egg cells
  • How is the structure of the human egg cell unique from every other cell in the body?
  • How many mitochondria are in the human egg cell, and what are the role of mitochondria in female fertility?
  • The Traditional Chinese Medicine concept of essence, and why we derive this essence directly from our mothers
  • What can we do to improve our mitochondria (and in turn improve our egg quality and fertility)?
  • How does the process of oogenesis (egg development) work, and how does that affect our ability to improve egg quality?
  • What do a woman's FSH levels have to do with the quality of her eggs?
  • The incredible difference in the way energy is produced by our mitochondria depending on whether we consume carbohydrates or fat
  • How do different types of exercise impact your mitochondria and your fertility?
  • Nutritional supplements to support your mitochondria

Connect with Warren:

You can connect with Warren on his website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information

Aug 3, 2018

Dr. Jones is an internationally recognized speaker, consultant, and educator on the topic of women’s health and hormones.  She graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), School of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. She was adjunct faculty for many years at NUNM teaching gynecology and advanced endocrinology/fertility and has been the Medical Director for 2 large integrative clinics in Portland. She is also the Medical Director for Precision Analytical, Inc, creators of the DUTCH hormone test.

In today’s episode, we talk about how you can use the DUTCH test to help you get to the bottom of your hormonal imbalances.

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series. Click here for access.

My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence in charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What is the DUTCH test? And how is it different from regular blood hormone testing?
  • Why is the DUTCH test able to provide information, not only about hormone levels, but also information about how your hormones are metabolized in the body?
  • Why it is important to work with a practitioner who specializes in reproductive hormone testing to support you in interpreting this complex test.
  • When is it appropriate for you to have a DUTCH test? Is it necessary for every woman to have?
  • What type of information can be derived from the DUTCH test that you cannot get from a simple blood draw?
  • The challenge of lab ranges—how do you know if your levels are actually normal?
  • Are all naturopathic doctors equipped to support you with DUTCH testing?
  • How would you know if your practitioner is actually qualified to support you with this?
  • How can you find a practitioner who is specialized in hormone testing, reproductive hormones, and/or sex hormone imbalances?
  • Can the DUTCH hormone test support women who have recently come off hormonal birth control?
  • Is testing always necessary? Is it possible to get support without having such a complex and detailed hormone test?
  • Understanding the difference between the role of conventionally trained medical doctors and functional practitioners who specialize in hormonal health
  • How can detailed hormone testing support women with PCOS specifically?
  • Where do you start if your DUTCH test shows that you have several different hormonal challenges?

Connect with Dr. Jones:

You can connect with Dr. Jones on her website, and on Instagram and Twitter!

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!


Aug 1, 2018

Diana and Kristen are Master Nutrition Therapists who are board certified in Holistic Nutrition by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP).

In today’s episode, we talk about how to utilize the DUTCH test to identify hormone imbalances. You'll also appreciate Friday's episode with Dr. Carrie Jones, where we delve deeply into the importance of working with a trained practitioner to help you interpret this complex hormone test.

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series. Click here for access.

My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence in charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What is the relationship between stress and reproductive hormone production?
  • The specific challenges women face with respect to stress management
  • Why does stress impact the body differently as we get older?
  • Stress, the adrenal glands, and cortisol
  • Adrenal fatigue vs HPA axis disregulation (your hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal axis)
  • The connection between the stress response and our sex hormones
  • What is the DUTCH test? And how is it different to regular (blood) hormonal testings?
  • Why is testing the urine (as is done in DUTCH testing) more helpful for hormonal testing?
  • When is it appropriate for a woman to have this test done?
  • How hormone testing can provide valuable information that can empower you to make informed choices about your hormone health
  • What can you do to improve your hormone balance when you aren't in a financial position to pay for DUTCH testing
  • How much exercise is too much?

Connect with Diana & Kristen:

You can connect with Diana & Kristen on their website.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!


Jul 27, 2018

Today I am sharing 8 tips for surviving fertility challenges. These are themes that frequently come up in my client work, and have come up in podcast interviews over the years.

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series. Click here for access.

My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence in charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • The importance of seeking professional support from a team of practitioners who specialize in the challenges you are facing
  • Why you would benefit from support from both a medical doctor, a fertility specialist, and a functional practitioner
  • Don't forget to have your male partner fully evaluated, given that 40-50% of the time, fertility challenges are related to male factor infertility
  • The difference between infertility and a delay in conception
  • The role of charting your menstrual cycles for both identifying your fertile window, and identifying any possible menstrual cycle issues
  • The important role of cervical mucus in identifying your fertile window
  • Utilizing your menstrual cycle as a diagnostic tool
  • The role of stress in the menstrual cycle
  • Why it's important to have sex for fun (outside of your fertile window)
  • Surround yourself with women who are also facing similar fertility challenges

Connect with Lisa:

You can connect with Lisa on her website, and on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!


Jul 20, 2018

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is a medical doctor who graduated in Russia, and after practising for five years as a Neurologist and three years as a Neurosurgeon she started a family and moved to the UK, where she got her second postgraduate degree in Human Nutrition. She is well known for developing a concept of GAPS (Gut And Psychology Syndrome), which she described in her book Gut And Psychology Syndrome - Natural Treatment for Autism. If you haven’t heard episode 66, make sure to take a listen to our first interview together all about the GAPS diet.

In today’s episode, we’re talking about Dr. Natasha’s new book Vegetarianism Explained.

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series. Click here for access.

My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence in charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What type of scientific research has been done on vegetarian and vegan diets?
  • What is the difference between the way the body handles plant and animal foods?
  • What is the difference between herbivorous animals and omnivorous animals?
  • How is animal protein and fat digested in the body?
  • The basic composition of the human body
  • Do meat and fat cause cancer and heart disease?
  • What is the role of animal foods in the body?
  • What is the role of plant foods in the body?
  • Is veganism a diet or a form of fasting?
  • The moral, political, and ideological reasons for vegan and vegetarian diets
  • An alternative to factory farms and animal cruelty
  • The devastating environmental impact of big commercial agriculture
  • What does commercial agriculture do to the soil?
  • The link between diet and strengthening the immune system

Connect with Dr. Natasha:

You can connect with Dr. Natasha on her website! and the GAPS diet website!

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!

Jul 13, 2018


Amy is a certified health coach who specializes in working with women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). She is the author of Healing PCOS, and she works with women who are frustrated and have lost all hope when the only solution their doctors offer is to lose weight, take a pill, and live with their symptoms. Amy founded PCOS Diva to offer women tools to help gain control of their PCOS and regain their fertility, femininity, health, and happiness, and she has developed a proven protocol of supplements, diet, and lifestyle programs to support women to heal their PCOS. In case you haven’t heard Amy’s first appearance on the podcast, click here to have a listen.

In today’s episode, we talk about overcoming PCOS naturally, and the importance of advocating for the support you need..

Today's episode is sponsored by my free FAM 101 video series. Click here for access.

My Fertility Awareness Programs are designed to help you to master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles. Gain confidence charting your cycles, and gain deep insights into the connection between your health, your fertility, and your cycles. Click here for more information!

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What is PCOS, and what are the most common symptoms?
  • What is a PCOS diva?
  • The importance of advocating for yourself to get the care and support you need
  • The importance of believing that you can be healthy and recover from PCOS
  • The connection between PCOS, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and endometrial cancer
  • Why PCOS is not simply a condition of the "ovaries"
  • 21 days to managing your PCOS symptoms
  • Movement for PCOS
  • Dealing with a PCOS diagnosis
  • The role of supplementation in healing PCOS

Connect with Amy:

You can connect with Amy on her website, and on FacebookPinterest and Twitter!

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here for more information!


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