Is there a connection between the MTHFR gene mutation and infertility? Is folic acid found in nature? Join me for an in-depth conversation with Diane Keddy about MTHFR and fertility in today’s episode of the 2021 summer replay series!
Today’s episode is sponsored by Tempdrop!
Tempdrop gives you everything you need to effortlessly track your fertility. Wear the Tempdrop sensor while you sleep for accurate basal body temperature readings without the stress of early morning wake ups. Tempdrop’s accompanying app enables you to chart an array of symptoms alongside your BBT, including cervical mucus and OPKs. Combine these fertility signs all in one place to identify your fertile window and confirm ovulation.
Whether you are trying to conceive, are avoiding pregnancy or want to chart for health reasons, Tempdrop makes fertility awareness accessible to all women - even if you don’t have regular cycles or sleeping patterns.
Identify your fertility window, in real time with Tempdrop. Follow this link to buy now! And use code coupon code: FERTILITYFRIDAY at checkout for a 10% discount when your order!
Connect with Diane
You can connect with Diane on her website, or via email!
Resources mentioned
Join the community! Follow Fertility Friday on Instagram! Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!
Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic
This episode is sponsored by Tempdrop! Tempdrop gives you everything you need to effortlessly track your fertility. Click here to learn more now!
This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!
This episode is sponsored by my new book the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting. Click here to buy now.
Join me for an incredible interview with Toni Weschler, author of Taking Charge of Your Fertility! This is the second episode in this year’s summer replay series!
Today’s episode is sponsored by Tempdrop!
Tempdrop gives you everything you need to effortlessly track your fertility. Wear the Tempdrop sensor while you sleep for accurate basal body temperature readings without the stress of early morning wake ups. Tempdrop’s accompanying app enables you to chart an array of symptoms alongside your BBT, including cervical mucus and OPKs. Combine these fertility signs all in one place to identify your fertile window and confirm ovulation.
Whether you are trying to conceive, are avoiding pregnancy or want to chart for health reasons, Tempdrop makes fertility awareness accessible to all women - even if you don’t have regular cycles or sleeping patterns.
Identify your fertility window, in real time with Tempdrop. Follow this link to buy now! And use code coupon code: FERTILITYFRIDAY at checkout for a 10% discount when your order!
Connect with Toni
You can connect with Toni on her website!
Resources mentioned
Join the community! Follow Fertility Friday on Instagram! Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!
Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic
This episode is sponsored by Tempdrop! Tempdrop gives you everything you need to effortlessly track your fertility. Click here to learn more now!
This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!
This episode is sponsored by my new book the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting. Click here to buy now.
Today’s episode is the first in this year’s summer replay series! Following up from yesterday’s episode about IVF treatments, today’s episode takes a deep dive into artificial reproductive technology (ART), more specifically IUI (intrauterine insemination), and the common drugs used (clomid/femara) as well as IVF success statistics.
Today’s episode is sponsored by Tempdrop!
Tempdrop gives you everything you need to effortlessly track your fertility. Wear the Tempdrop sensor while you sleep for accurate basal body temperature readings without the stress of early morning wake ups. Tempdrop’s accompanying app enables you to chart an array of symptoms alongside your BBT, including cervical mucus and OPKs. Combine these fertility signs all in one place to identify your fertile window and confirm ovulation.
Whether you are trying to conceive, are avoiding pregnancy or want to chart for health reasons, Tempdrop makes fertility awareness accessible to all women - even if you don’t have regular cycles or sleeping patterns.
Identify your fertility window, in real time with Tempdrop. Follow this link to buy now! And use code coupon code: FERTILITYFRIDAY at checkout for a 10% discount when your order!
You can connect with Lisa on the Fertility Friday Website, and on Facebook and Twitter.
Join the community! Follow Fertility Friday on Instagram! Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!
Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic
This episode is sponsored by Tempdrop! Tempdrop gives you everything you need to effortlessly track your fertility. Click here to learn more now!
This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!
This episode is sponsored by my new book the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting. Click here to buy now.
Brett Russo was born and raised in New Jersey. She graduated with a degree in business management from Bucknell University, where she also met her future husband. After graduation, Brett found her passion working beside her twin brother and father for her family’s printing company, of which she is now the chief executive officer. She married her husband in 2015, and together they fought the hardest battle of their lives with their journey through IVF. Brett is the author of The Underwear In My Shoe: My Journey Through IVF. Brett lives in New Jersey with her husband and their two sons.
Today’s episode is sponsored by Tempdrop!
Tempdrop gives you everything you need to effortlessly track your fertility. Wear the Tempdrop sensor while you sleep for accurate basal body temperature readings without the stress of early morning wake ups. Tempdrop’s accompanying app enables you to chart an array of symptoms alongside your BBT, including cervical mucus and OPKs. Combine these fertility signs all in one place to identify your fertile window and confirm ovulation.
Whether you are trying to conceive, are avoiding pregnancy or want to chart for health reasons, Tempdrop makes fertility awareness accessible to all women - even if you don’t have regular cycles or sleeping patterns.
Identify your fertility window, in real time with Tempdrop. Follow this link to buy now! And use code coupon code: FERTILITYFRIDAY at checkout for a 10% discount when your order!
Brett’s fertility challenges
Why Brett chose to write The Underwear In My Shoe: My Journey Through IVF
Brett’s first period and how she managed her period
Brett’s experience in tracking her fertility
How long it took Brett to choose IVF
How long Brett and her husband were trying to get pregnant before the Doctor recommended IUI
The commonality of IUI and IVF
How Brett and her husband coped during IVF
You can connect with Brett on her website.
Join the community! Follow Fertility Friday on Instagram! Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!
Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic
This episode is sponsored by Tempdrop! Tempdrop gives you everything you need to effortlessly track your fertility. Click here to learn more now!
This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!
This episode is sponsored by my new book the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting. Click here to buy now.
Cynthia is a Registered Dietitian in the US with a Master's of science in Nutrition and has been a Registered Dietitian for over 10 years. Cynthia is a non-diet dietitian and believes in Health at Every Size. Helping women recover from Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (no period) & find food & exercise freedom is a speciality area of hers. Due to her own struggles with HA, disordered eating & infertility, Cynthia was driven to specialize in HA. Throughout the years, Cynthia has worked in various areas in the field of nutrition which has led her to where she is today operating her own virtual practice & working with women across the world helping them recover their period and find balance with food and exercise.
Today Cynthia shares her experience with HA and how it changed her practice (to focus on HA with her clients).
Today’s episode is sponsored by Tempdrop!
Tempdrop gives you everything you need to effortlessly track your fertility. Wear the Tempdrop sensor while you sleep for accurate basal body temperature readings without the stress of early morning wake ups. Tempdrop’s accompanying app enables you to chart an array of symptoms alongside your BBT, including cervical mucus and OPKs. Combine these fertility signs all in one place to identify your fertile window and confirm ovulation.
Whether you are trying to conceive, are avoiding pregnancy or want to chart for health reasons, Tempdrop makes fertility awareness accessible to all women - even if you don’t have regular cycles or sleeping patterns.
Identify your fertility window, in real time with Tempdrop. Follow this link to buy now! And use code coupon code: FERTILITYFRIDAY at checkout for a 10% discount when your order!
Cynthia’s HA misdiagnosis and her experience
How old Cynthia was when she got her first period and if she ever used birth control
The common misdiagnosis of PCOS and HA
How the diagnosis for PCOS and HA differ
The challenges women face getting the correct diagnosis
Cynthia’s, body size, eating habits and workout routine that contributed to her late menstrual cycle start
You can connect with Cynthia on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Join the community! Follow Fertility Friday on Instagram! Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!
Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic
This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!
This episode is sponsored by my new book the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting. Click here to buy now.