
Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery for Women's Health Professionals

Are you ready to uplevel your women's health practice? Welcome to the Fertility Friday Podcast! A podcast designed to empower you to use fertility awareness both personally and professionally. If you are a woman's health professional — and you’re not fully utilizing the menstrual cycle as a vital sign — it's time to change that right away! Through evidence-based literature reviews, engaging discussions, expert interviews, and compelling client stories, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, FAE, HRHP covers everything from complex menstrual cycle chart interpretation and balancing hormones to overcoming fertility challenges and more. With over 20 years of experience teaching fertility awareness, Lisa combines her real-world expertise with the latest research to ensure you're fully equipped to support your clients. Lisa's first book, "The Fifth Vital Sign," describes the menstrual cycle as an important vital sign we should pay attention to. Her most recent book, "Real Food for Fertility" (co-authored with Lily Nichols, RDN), explores how a healthy menstrual cycle sets the stage for a healthy pregnancy. With well over 4 million downloads, Fertility Friday is the #1 source for information about fertility awareness and menstrual cycle health. All women deserve to understand how their bodies work, and if we wait for our education systems to do it we may be waiting forever. It's up to us to be the change we wish to see in the field of women's health. In other words, It's YOUR TURN to bring this essential information to your clients sooner rather than later — they need it now!
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Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery for Women's Health Professionals













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Now displaying: November, 2019
Nov 29, 2019

Dr. Eric is the owner and founder of Rejuvagen, a functional and regenerative medicine clinic in Glen Mills, PA, and he is the co-host with Dr. Erica of the Thyroid Answers Podcast.

Dr. Eric is a Certified Nutrition Specialist (C.N.S.), a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, along with being a licensed Chiropractor in Pennsylvania.

And Dr. Erica graduated from Logan College in Chesterfield, Missouri with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree as well as a Masters in Nutrition and Human Performance. She specializes in functional medicine and is a graduate of the American Functional Neurology Institute (AFNI).

In today’s episode we focus on the the thyroid, how the thyroid affects fertility, why this condition is often under diagnosed in women, and the specifics about why it can be difficult to identify at times when the lab results don’t match symptoms.

Today’s episode is sponsored by the Fertility Awareness Mastery LIVE 10 week group coaching program!  Click here to register now! Early bird pricing ends December 13th!

Today’s episode is sponsored by The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. The Fifth Vital Sign is available for purchase on Amazon. Exciting news!! The audiobook is finally here! Listen to The Fifth Vital Sign for FREE when you sign up for a 30 day free trial with Audible. Click here to download now.

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What brought Dr. Eric and Dr. Erica to their focus on the thyroid and thus their podcast
  • Cellular vs. Glandular Hypothyroidism
  • How inflammation can affect TSH levels 
  • Why cell health is so important to the overall function of the body
  • Ways hypothyroidism shows up in the menstrual cycle when charting
  • How thyroid issues impact fertility 
  • What is Reverse T3
  • Lifestyle changes to improve thyroid function
  • How birth control can affect thyroid function
  • Why birth control does not fix your cycle 
  • The importance of preparing the body to come off birth control to get pregnant
  • Why you should always listen to your body and not ignore symptoms 


Connect with Dr. Eric Balcavage and Dr. Erica Riggleman:

You can connect with Dr. Balcavage on his Website, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

You can connect with Dr. Riggleman on her Website, Facebook and Instagram.


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Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic


A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility

This episode is sponsored by my new book The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. Click here to buy now.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!

Nov 22, 2019

Denise Wiesner, is an internationally recognized traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, specializing in the Whole Systems Chinese medicine approach to women’s health, sexuality, and fertility. Since 1994, Denise has treated and helped women manage challenges from menstrual disorders through menopause, and from infertility to pregnancy. Using a combination of acupuncture, diet and lifestyle counseling, nutritional supplements, and Chinese herbs, Denise has helped thousands of couples navigate the tricky, and often stressful, journey toward fertility, without losing their loving connection.

In today’s episode we talk about sex, pleasure, intimacy, and orgasm. We cover intimacy as it relates to couples who are trying to conceive, and for women who wish to experience more pleasure in their intimate relationships.

Today’s episode is sponsored by the Fertility Awareness Mastery LIVE 10 week group coaching program!  Click here to register now! Early bird pricing ends December 13th!

Today’s episode is sponsored by The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. The Fifth Vital Sign is available for purchase on Amazon. Exciting news!! The audiobook is finally here! Listen to The Fifth Vital Sign for FREE when you sign up for a 30 day free trial with Audible. Click here to download now.

Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • How did Denise’s own fertility journey influence her career
  • What is making it challenging for couples to find a level of intimacy
  • The importance of communicating to your partner what you like sexually 
  • Why honesty in your relationship is so crucial 
  • The many types of female orgasms 
  • Tips to help women discover the way they orgasm 
  • Steps to begin to learn how to pleasure yourself 
  • The lack of education around the female reproductive anatomy 
  • Why you should be careful of the products you use in and around your vagina
  • Denise’s thoughts on the practice of using a jade egg 
  • Ways to have more intimacy with your partner


Connect with Denise Wiesner:

You can connect with Denise on her Website, Instagram, and Facebook.


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Related podcasts & blog posts:


Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic


A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility

This episode is sponsored by my new book The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. Click here to buy now.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!

Nov 15, 2019

Sheridan Voysey is a writer, speaker and broadcaster. His other books include Resurrection Year: Turning Broken Dreams into New Beginnings, Resilient, and the award-winning Unseen Footprints. He is married to Merryn and lives and travels from Oxford, United Kingdom. 

In today’s episode we cover the difficult topic of dealing with infertility when things aren’t working out the way you had planned for. Sheridan shares his personal experience of making it through from the male perspective.

Today’s episode is sponsored by the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting Workbook. The first fully customizable paper charting workbook of its kind, available in both Fahrenheit and Celsius editions. Click here to grab your copy today!

Today’s episode is sponsored by The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. The Fifth Vital Sign is available for purchase on Amazon. Exciting news!! The audiobook is finally here! Listen to The Fifth Vital Sign for FREE when you sign up for a 30 day free trial with Audible. Click here to download now.


Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • A look into Sheridan and his wife Merryn’s ten year infertility and adoption journey
  • How their journey led Sheridan to write his book, Resurrection Year
  • How Sheridan dealt with the grief and loss of their unsuccessful dream of having a child
  • Sheridan’s advice for couples struggling with infertility
  • The importance of putting your marriage/relationship first during this challenging time
  • Ways to deal with one partner wanting to stop trying and the other wanting to continue
  • How dealing with fertility issues can affect men in various aspects of their lives
  • The importance of also remembering to check in with men to see how they are feeling and dealing with the fertility struggles
  • Ways men who deal with lower sperm count can connect with others to know that they are not alone
  • How those who have gone through the infertility journey can use their trial to help guide, inspire or comfort others going through it
  • The importance of remembering there is so much more to you than your parental status


Connect with Sheridan Voysey:

You can connect with Sheridan on his Website, Instagram, and Facebook.


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Related podcasts & blog posts:


Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic


A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility

This episode is sponsored by my new book The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. Click here to buy now.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!


Nov 8, 2019

Dr. Riley is a Physician specializing in obstetrics and palliative medicine.  He practices midwifery, minimal-intervention-style obstetrics with an emphasis on supporting the physiology of pregnancy and birth as well as female intuition while empowering women to embrace birth rather than fear it. He was Born in Pittsburgh. Trained in Philadelphia, San Diego and Los Angeles, currently practicing in Louisville, KY. Also a climber and somewhat obsessed w eco-conservation. 

In today’s episode Dr. Riley takes us through his experience of medical school and residency to give us a deeper insight into why doctors often have the opinions and practices they do when it comes to women’s health.

Today’s episode is sponsored by the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting Workbook. The first fully customizable paper charting workbook of its kind, available in both Fahrenheit and Celsius editions. Click here to grab your copy today!

Today’s episode is sponsored by The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. The Fifth Vital Sign is available for purchase on Amazon. Exciting news!! The audiobook is finally here! Listen to The Fifth Vital Sign for FREE when you sign up for a 30 day free trial with Audible. Click here to download now.


Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What brought Dr. Riley into medicine and specifically into women’s issues
  • How it made Dr. Riley feel when he came up with struggles on he and his wife’s journey to conceive
  • Who influenced Dr. Riley’s way of practice in his career
  • Problems in the curriculum physicians-in-training come across
  • Why doctors should be encouraged to admit when they don’t know an answer, ask questions or even just sit and listen to the patient
  • How it is unrealistic for the patient to expect their doctor to have all the answers and diagnosis after a short consultation
  • The harsh structure and lifestyle of the medical training process
  • The importance of health care professionals to still take the time to care for themselves so they can better serve their patients
  • The importance of being respectful of your doctor’s expertise and training
  • Why it is important for patients and doctors to be a little more generous with one another


Connect with Dr. Nathan Riley:

 You can connect with Dr. Riley on his Website, Instagram and Twitter


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Related podcasts & blog posts:


Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic


A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility

This episode is sponsored by my new book The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. Click here to buy now.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!

Nov 1, 2019

Rosita Arvigo, is a Doctor of Naprapathy, ethnobotanist, spiritual healer, author of 8 books on traditional healing of Central America, and she is the founder of The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® & the Arvigo Institute.

Donna Zubrod is a nationally certified, North Carolina Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist, a DONA certified Birth Doula, and a certified practitioner and teacher of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy. Her practice, Seven Generations Massage & Birth, offers support towards positive reproductive and digestive health experiences and outcomes from menarche, throughout the childbearing years, to menopause and beyond. She helps couples with fertility challenges to successfully conceive and nurtured expectant mothers during pregnancy through postpartum.

In today’s episode I share a special interview with both Dr. Arvigo and Donna. We focus on abdominal therapy for fertility and period pain, and how it differs from conventional medical treatments.

Today’s episode is sponsored by the Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting Workbook. The first fully customizable paper charting workbook of its kind, available in both Fahrenheit and Celsius editions. Click here to grab your copy today!

Today’s episode is sponsored by The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. The Fifth Vital Sign is available for purchase on Amazon. Exciting news!! The audiobook is finally here! Listen to The Fifth Vital Sign for FREE when you sign up for a 30 day free trial with Audible. Click here to download now.


Topics discussed in today's episode:
  • What is The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®?
  • The process of Arvigo® Therapy
  • How you need proper hemodynamics to find homeostasis within the body
  • What inspired Donna to conduct her observational study on measuring the affects of Arvigo® Therapy on the menstrual cycle parameter 
  • Some of the factors she had the 10 participants track during their cycles
  • How Donna measured the effects for each participant
  • Why goal of the study was to see if abdominal therapy had any effects on the menstrual cycle
  • Was ovulation confirmed during the study?
  • The importance of self-care by the participants during the study
  • Did the participants have less painful period during the study?
  • What were some of the results that stood out to Donna?
  • How does abdominal therapy potentially improve mucus production or luteal phase length?
  • How can Arvigo® bring women with extreme menstrual pain back to a normal cycle
  • The importance of getting informed and being an active participant in your health

Connect with Dr. Rosita Arvigo & Donna Zubrod:

You can connect with Dr. Arvigo on her website and on the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy website.
You can connect with Donna on her Website, and on Facebook.

Resources mentioned:

Related podcasts & blog posts:


Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group. Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast in Apple Podcasts!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic


A Special Thank You to Our Show Sponsor:

The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility

This episode is sponsored by my new book The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. Click here to buy now.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Programs

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Awareness Programs! Master Fertility Awareness and take a deep dive into your cycles and how they relate to your overall health! Click here to apply now!