
Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery for Women's Health Professionals

Are you ready to uplevel your women's health practice? Welcome to the Fertility Friday Podcast! A podcast designed to empower you to use fertility awareness both personally and professionally. If you are a woman's health professional — and you’re not fully utilizing the menstrual cycle as a vital sign — it's time to change that right away! Through evidence-based literature reviews, engaging discussions, expert interviews, and compelling client stories, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, FAE, HRHP covers everything from complex menstrual cycle chart interpretation and balancing hormones to overcoming fertility challenges and more. With over 20 years of experience teaching fertility awareness, Lisa combines her real-world expertise with the latest research to ensure you're fully equipped to support your clients. Lisa's first book, "The Fifth Vital Sign," describes the menstrual cycle as an important vital sign we should pay attention to. Her most recent book, "Real Food for Fertility" (co-authored with Lily Nichols, RDN), explores how a healthy menstrual cycle sets the stage for a healthy pregnancy. With well over 4 million downloads, Fertility Friday is the #1 source for information about fertility awareness and menstrual cycle health. All women deserve to understand how their bodies work, and if we wait for our education systems to do it we may be waiting forever. It's up to us to be the change we wish to see in the field of women's health. In other words, It's YOUR TURN to bring this essential information to your clients sooner rather than later — they need it now!
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Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery for Women's Health Professionals













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Now displaying: June, 2017
Jun 30, 2017

Nicole is a Naturopathic Doctor who practices in the Durham Region. She received her medical training from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine after completing a 4-year Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology degree from McMaster University. Nicole welcomes treating a variety of health conditions however she has a special interest in treating women’s health and hormonal issues. Having undergone her own challenges to begin her family, she is passionate about helping others with their fertility concerns. She combines natural medicines with conventional science to create a truly integrative healthcare experience. She is passionate about what she does and enjoys spreading the message of health. She has lectured at local colleges and has appeared on local television programs to educate others on various health topics.

In today’s show, we talk about seed cycling and the role it can play in balancing hormones and improving menstrual cycle health. We also discuss realigning your expectations coming off of hormonal birth control because it is really important to know that there is a transition period after using a hormonal contraceptive. We also elaborate the factors that could affect your pregnancy and most especially about having a healthy baby. That knowing about your chart and what a healthy cycle looks like will be beneficial in attaining your overall health. After coming off of hormonal birth control there is a very real transition period until your cycle returns to healthy and normal parameters.

Topics discussed in today's episode:

  • Nicole shares her experience with endometriosis and how it led her to become a Naturopathic Doctor.
  • How do ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) work?
  • Is it possible to have endometriosis without having any signs and symptoms?
  • What is laparoscopy?
  • The importance of having the right diagnosis and how you would benefit from it
  • The truth about unexplained infertility
  • What is seed cycling and how can it help balance your menstrual cycle?
  • The connection between the menstrual cycle and the lunar calendar
  • What to expect coming off of hormonal birth control?
  • How long does it typically take for a woman's period to come back after coming off of hormonal contraceptives?
  • Using Vitex to regulate your hormones. How long should you take it for?
  • How to improve your egg quality?
  • The importance of having adequate progesterone production in the body.
  • How diet and lifestyle affect your body and your reproductive health?
  • When is the best time to get off the pill?

Connect with Dr. Sandilands.

You can connect with Dr. Sandilands on her Website, and on Facebook and Twitter.

Resources mentioned

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group

Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast on iTunes

This episode is sponsored by Cora! Made from 100% organic cotton, Cora tampons were designed not only to help you manage your periods but also to preserve your health.  For every month of tampons you buy, Cora gives a month of pads along with menstrual health education to a girl in need in India. Click here to receive your first month's supply free of charge.

*Please note that Cora only ships within the United States.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Management Masterclass

work with me

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Management Masterclass! Gain clarity and confidence using the Fertility Awareness Method and improve your cycle health at the same time! Click here for more information!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

Jun 23, 2017

In this solo episode, I share with you my top tips and strategies for finding a health practitioner who will really support you. I have been receiving more and more requests from listeners wanting referrals and resources for practitioners in their local areas. One thing I’ve found over the years from doing well over 150 interviews with health professionals is that you are best served when you find a practitioner who has taken a specialized interest in the area you need support in.

What it comes down to is that you want to work with someone whose perspective aligns with yours. Whether you see a medical doctor, a functional practitioner, a naturopath or a physiotherapist, you have the right to work with someone who will work with you and support you to achieve optimal health. I show you how to step in the driver's seat and find a practitioner who shares your perspective and will support the decisions you make about your health.

Topics discussed in today's episode:

  • How to choose a practitioner that's right for you and aligns with your values
  • How to approach a practitioner if you're not sure they're "on-board" already
  • How to find out where your practitioner is coming from & understand her approach to treatment
  • Why it's important to understand your practitioner's goal as far as treatment is concerned and evaluate if it matches yours
  • How to find a practitioner that recognizes your needs?
  • Who are the members of your health team?
  • The importance of asking the right questions
  • How to determine what you really need from a practitioner
  • What to do if you find yourself working with a practitioner who isn't supportive
  • The benefits of working with a practitioner who has experience with the specific issue you have
  • What questions should you ask when looking for a practitioner?
  • What truly makes the biggest impact when you approach health challenges?

Connect with Lisa.

You can connect with Lisa on the Fertility Friday Website, and on Facebook, and Twitter.

Resources mentioned

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group

Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast on iTunes!

This episode is sponsored by Cora! Made from 100% organic cotton, Cora tampons were designed not only to help you manage your periods but also to preserve your health.  For every month of tampons you buy, Cora gives a month of pads along with menstrual health education to a girl in need in India. Click here to receive your first month's supply free of charge.

*Please note that Cora only ships within the United States.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Management Masterclass

work with me

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Management Masterclass! Gain clarity and confidence using the Fertility Awareness Method and improve your cycle health at the same time! Click here for more information!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

Jun 16, 2017

Dr. Pamela Frank, BSc (Hons), ND has been practicing as a naturopathic doctor since 1999 and has 20 years of experience as a medical laboratory technologist at Humber River Regional Hospital.  She is Clinic Director of Forces of Nature Wellness Clinic in Toronto and was twice voted “Best Naturopath in Toronto” by the readers of NOW Magazine and twice selected as Best Naturopathy in Toronto by the City Centre Mirror.

Dr. Frank has a particular interest in natural, evidence-based treatment for hormonal imbalances including infertility, acne, hair loss, endometriosis, and PCOS.

Because of her background in laboratory medicine, Dr. Frank advocates for an extensive investigation into the cause of disease and has helped thousands of patients restore their hair, have healthy babies, clear their skin, balance their hormones & enjoy greater vitality.

In today’s show, we talk about her perspective on different areas of specialization from endometriosis to PCOS, and unexplained infertility, and her process when it comes to treating and supporting her patients to improve their health and their fertility. She also explained her detailed diagnostic protocol and approach that she takes for her patients. She also shares that improving health and fertility is a complex process. That it is important that you go to a practitioner that specializes in that area before you make a decision.

Topics discussed in today's episode:

  • Dr. Frank shares her experience working as a Naturopath in Toronto over the past 20 years.
  • She describes her specialization and how it shifted from her previous practice
  • She shares her own personal experience having a child at age 41
  • Dr. Frank shares her personal experience overcoming PCOS
  • Why your IVF doctor may not be doing the same tests as your functional practitioner
  • Why an investigation for endometriosis should be done in any case of "unexplained infertility"
  • What is PCOS? What are the most common signs and symptoms?
  • What is the relationship between testosterone levels and PCOS?
  • Improving fertility in non-invasive ways
  • Treating endometriosis, PCOS and other reproductive health issues naturally
  • The impact hormonal birth control has on your body
  • The importance of balancing blood sugar when dealing with PCOS
  • The relationship between Acne & PCOS

Connect with Dr. Pamela Frank

You can connect with Pamela on her Website, and on Facebook, and Twitter.

Resources mentioned

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group

Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast on iTunes!

This episode is sponsored by Cora! Made from 100% organic cotton, Cora tampons were designed not only to help you manage your periods but also to preserve your health.  For every month of tampons you buy, Cora gives a month of pads along with menstrual health education to a girl in need in India. Click here to receive your first month's supply free of charge.

*Please note that Cora only ships within the United States.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Management Masterclass

work with me

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Management Masterclass! Gain clarity and confidence using the Fertility Awareness Method and improve your cycle health at the same time! Click here for more information!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

Jun 9, 2017

Nicola is the author of the book, No Period. Now What? A book that came out of her own experience trying to conceive over an 18 month period. After receiving a diagnosis of hypothalamic amenorrhea, she took matters into her own hands doing research and using the knowledge she gained to eventually recover and bring her period back. She tried the medical route to pregnancy, with multiple doctor visits, injections, and ultrasounds but was not successful in her efforts. Ultimately, she was able to conceive naturally, and since that time Nicola has shared her knowledge of the path to recovery, helping hundreds of others achieve their dreams of pregnancy.

In this episode, Nicola helps us understand the factors that affect your periods. She discusses the impact of vigorous exercise and diet on reproductive health, and the impact that hormonal birth control can have on your menstrual cycles and your fertility. She also sheds some light on the difference between Hypothalamic Amenorrhea and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Nicola emphasizes the importance of looking at your lifestyle factors, particularly diet, exercise and stress, as you work towards bringing your periods back.

Topics discussed in today's episode:

  • What inspired Nicola to write her book, No Period. Now What?
  • How having an active lifestyle and engaging in sports activities can influence your menstrual cycles
  • Why it's important for women to have access to information about their reproductive health
  • How to know if you have Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
  • What effect do exercise, diet, and birth control pills have on your reproductive health?
  • In terms of exercise, how do we know how much is too much?
  • Why it's important to pay attention to your luteal phase
  • What factors can cause a woman to lose her period?
  • When is the right time to focus on weight loss?
  • At what point is it appropriate to cut back on exercise?
  • How does hormonal contraceptive use impact your menstrual cycles?

Connect with Nicola Rinaldi

You can connect with Nicola on her Website, and on Facebook, and Twitter.

Resources mentioned

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group

Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast on iTunes!

This episode is sponsored by Cora! Made from 100% organic cotton, Cora tampons were designed not only to help you manage your periods but also to preserve your health.  For every month of tampons you buy, Cora gives a month of pads along with menstrual health education to a girl in need in India. Click here to receive your first month's supply free of charge.

*Please note that Cora only ships within the United States.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Management Masterclass

work with me

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Management Masterclass! Gain clarity and confidence using the Fertility Awareness Method and improve your cycle health at the same time! Click here for more information!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic

Jun 2, 2017

In this episode I decided to go solo to talk with you about the reality of coming off hormonal birth control. For some reason numerous health professionals continue to advise women that they will get pregnant immediately after they come off the pill. The thing is that when you take a look at the research, most women who take hormonal birth control long term do experience a delay in the return of their fertility. For some women it is a few months, and for others it is over a year. In this episode I talk about the transition period after coming off hormonal contraceptives and how long it typically takes before your cycles go back to normal. I also talk about how you can prepare for that transition period and optimize your chances of conceiving when you're ready to start a family.

Topics discussed in today's episode

  • Why it's unethical for your doctor to tell you that your period will definitely come back right away after you come off hormonal birth control
  • Why it's hard to know how long it will take you to conceive whether you've just come off the pill or if you've had natural cycles for awhile
  • Why you can expect it to take you about twice as long to conceive if you've used hormonal birth control long-term
  • The 5 factors that will influence how long it will take before your menstrual cycles return normally and be within healthy parameters
  • Why hormonal contraceptives are contraindicated for women who have irregular cycles and why you're at a greater risk of delayed return of ovulation if your cycles were irregular before you started taking the pill
  • The impact of aging on fertility on how long it could take
  • Managing the transition period between coming off hormonal contraceptives and having normal healthy cycles
  • How long it actually takes for a woman's cycle to return normally after coming off hormonal birth control
  • The role hormonal contraceptives play in increasing the likelihood that you may and up needing additional interventions later on
  • Why you may want to consider coming off hormonal contraceptives 2-3 years before you're ready to start trying to have babies
  • The importance of preconception nutrition
  • Using Fertility Awareness for birth control in the interim period
  • The connection between hormonal birth control to nutrient deficiencies

Connect with Lisa

You can connect with Lisa on the Fertility Friday Website, and on Facebook, and Twitter

Resources mentioned

Join the community! Find us in the Fertility Friday Facebook Group

Subscribe to the Fertility Friday Podcast on iTunes!

This episode is sponsored by Cora! Made from 100% organic cotton, Cora tampons were designed not only to help you manage your periods but also to preserve your health.  For every month of tampons you buy, Cora gives a month of pads along with menstrual health education to a girl in need in India. Click here to receive your first month's supply free of charge.

*Please note that Cora only ships within the United States.

Fertility Friday | Fertility Management Masterclass

work with me

This episode is sponsored by my Fertility Management Masterclass! Gain clarity and confidence using the Fertility Awareness Method and improve your cycle health at the same time! Click here for more information!

Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic