Kelsey is a Registered Dietitian who quickly learned in her program that she wasn’t being taught what dieticians should really be teaching their patients. She decided to study functional medicine, open her own practice, and pursue her dream of working with clients who really care about themselves, who want to invest in their health and receive support along their health journey.
In today’s show, Kelsey and I talk about Adrenal health, HPA axis dysregulation, and how this can impact fertility. I’ve had a number of questions from listeners about adrenal fatigue and HPA axis dysregulation because of the impact it can have on a woman’s fertility hormones!
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic
After getting such a positive response from episode 95 with Dr. Susan Rako, I decided to release a bonus episode to answer one of the most common questions that I get which is how do I boost my cervical mucus production! In today's episode, I share some important information about cervical health as well as practical ways to boost cervical mucus production and improve cervical health naturally.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic
Mary is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner and acupuncturist who has been in practice for over 20 years. The vast majority of her patients have struggled with gynecological disorders, fertility challenges, and pregnancy-related issues.
She is the author of Pathways to Pregnancy: Personal Stories and Practical Advice for Your Fertility Journey, and she is the founder & CEO of ALIVE Holistic Health Clinic located in downtown Toronto. Mary’s personal experience with fertility challenges has fostered compassion and a deep respect for the families who come to her for help. Mary has seen the many faces that infertility presents, and the equally diverse pathways to pregnancy presented by conventional and complementary medicine. It is her greatest hope that by she can bring a renewed sense of possibility to infertility sufferers, and deepen their understanding of this widespread condition to the public consciousness.
In today's episode, we talk about issues that interfere with pregnancy and cause fertility challenges. We also talk about the challenge for patients who have received a diagnosis of infertility. We delve into the practical ways women can move forward with hope in the face of receiving such a daunting diagnosis.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic
Dr. Rako has been a psychiatrist in private practice in the Boston area for more than thirty-five years. She both trained and taught at Harvard Medical School's Massachusetts Mental Health Center, a teaching hospital in the Department of Psychiatry. She has become a pioneering expert on women’s reproductive health. She is the author of several books including “The Blessings of the Curse: No More Periods?” and “The Hormone of Desire: The Truth About Testosterone, Sexuality, and Menopause”.
In today’s episode, we talk about menstrual suppression, and the idea that periods are optional, and suppressing them medically has a no broader impact on our bodies outside.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic
Lierre is a writer, small farmer, and radical feminist activist. She is the author of six books, including The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability, which has been called “the most important ecological book of this generation.” She is the coauthor,
with Derrick Jensen and Aric McBay, of Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet. She’s also been arrested six times.
In today’s show, we delve into the topic of veganism and the impact it can have on fertility. We also tackle the idea that veganism is going to save the world, and eating meat is going to destroy it.
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Music Credit: Intro/Outro music Produced by J-Gantic